Webkit-rspec-formatter 2.0.0

Version 2.0.0 of webkit-rspec-formatter has been released.

It’s a formatter for RSpec 2 that takes advantage of features in WebKit
to make the output from RSpec in Textmate a little more fun.

Test output looks like this:



To get started, install the webkit-rspec-formatter gem:

$ gem install webkit-rspec-formatter

If you’re running specs in Textmate via the RSpec bundle
(GitHub - rspec/rspec.tmbundle: Textmate bundle for RSpec.), you can use the webkit
formatter by opening Textmate’s ‘Advanced’ Preferences and adding a
TM_RSPEC_OPTS Shell Variable with the value --format RSpec::Core::Formatters::WebKit:


That’s it!


In addition to Textmate, it’s also usable anywhere else the standard
HTML formatter is, of course. While it’s specifically intended to be
used under the Textmate HTML viewer that the RSpec bundle uses, the
output should work fine under recent Gecko/Firefox-based viewers, as

Patches/suggestions welcomed.

Project Pages


First public release.