Webcal url


I’d like to create a webcal link to share a calendar with iCal like
it’s done in Basecamp for example.
I know how to create the file using icalendar ruby library and iCal
can open it, but if I send this file using an url like webcal://
iCal says that data are not valid.

Any ideas?


PS here is my rb code

def ical_data
cal = Icalendar::Calendar.new
event = cal.event # This automatically adds the event to the
event.user_id = “[email protected]
event.timestamp = DateTime.now
event.summary = “Meeting with the man.”

 # We can output the calendars as strings to write to a file,
 # network port, database etc.
 cal_string = cal.to_ical

 send_data cal_string


On 28-jun-2006, at 20:54, Sébastien Gruhier wrote:


I’d like to create a webcal link to share a calendar with iCal like
it’s done in Basecamp for example.
I know how to create the file using icalendar ruby library and iCal
can open it, but if I send this file using an url like webcal://
iCal says that data are not valid.

Are you sure you are sending the right content-type? Have you tried
your URL in a browser?

Julian ‘Julik’ Tarkhanov
please send all personal mail to
me at julik.nl

content-type was fine, I just forgot to remove my authenticate filter
on that function :slight_smile:
Works fine now


Le 29 juin 06 à 00:15, Julian ‘Julik’ Tarkhanov a écrit :