I want to start a simple web project, a small web widget that users with
blogs/webpages can add to their page (like the meebo me widget). The
is that i dont know what the technical concept behind the whole thing
how does a widget get loaded from just a url? or piece of js. I would
for someone to explain to me the general concept, or point me to an
or some code Thanks all.
Flow chart would be helpfull.
The project is an event ticker, used for conferences including date,
and map(directions)
This question probably shouldn’t be posted on this forum ,but:
Also (maybe):
And also (maybe):
h4lfl1ng wrote:
I want to start a simple web project, a small web widget that users with
blogs/webpages can add to their page (like the meebo me widget). The
is that i dont know what the technical concept behind the whole thing
My reasons behind making a widget isnt to push something, but to help a
community get the information they want, but dont have. Basically Im not
getting anything from it except the satisfaction of making it and
And practice :D. Thanks for the article.
Well from all those links the most they tell me is what a widget is,
konfabulator has a little more indepth info but thats too specific to
api and not general enough and it doesnt go into detail how it works,
basic technologies and concepts. Also this widget will be writen in
ruby/rails so I think this is the right place… but i could be wrong.
for the links though, had some interesting info.
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