Web service consuming other web services

So I have an action in a proxy controller that I created that basically
just gets a request from an outside source takes the parameters and
posts them to a different outside webservice gets the response and then
posts the results and then posts them back to the original source.

The end user never sees my side as the original post is coming to me in
the background. Everything is working perfect except for the fact that
I’m getting a MissingTemplate error in my logs as I don’t have a
template I need to render.

I guess my question is if I can have an action that doesn’t render a
template, or is there a way from preventing ActionView to expect one?

On Aug 6, 8:45 pm, Nate L. [email protected]

I guess my question is if I can have an action that doesn’t render a
template, or is there a way from preventing ActionView to expect one?

head :ok
render :nothing => true
