OK…I’m having a mental block.
I have a website started with Ruby on Rails.
I’ve got this object Hierarchy in mind.
the simple “it’s a database” stuff is fine.but when it comes to the
of Hashes that make
up some of the objects within the custom class.the relationship to the
database and what happens when
I close down the environment (and in future want to start up site.)
So how do I Save and retrieve that stuff? do I have to do the
Object/Relational mapping myself or
do I depend on the “serialize” function/method for the class?
the examples I’ve seen don’t have a user create and populate a complex
object and then
save and retrieve it…things that are saved and retrieved seem pretty
simple—though there
are lots of instantiations and work live—but I need to create a
that gets extended and
hit with queries—Am I going to have to recreate and repopulate via
“deserialize” ?
I imagine the answer is obvious—but it eludes my feeble mind…