Web-based ri browser -- a project looking for a creator

If anyone is looking for an idea for a very useful ruby project, the
please consider creating a webrik or rack based web application for
browsing ri/fast-ri docs.

To give you an idea of functionality, there is (amazingly enough) a
gnome app that does it:


This would be a great app to have. I would work on this myself, but my
plate is already too overloaded.


On Sun, 09 Mar 2008 09:45:00 -0500, Trans wrote:

plate is already too overloaded.


Consider using “gem server”, which does most of what you’re asking.
It would be nice if “gem server” would incorporate non-gem rubydocs in
other places in the system as well.


On Mar 9, 12:09 pm, Ken B. [email protected] wrote:

This would be a great app to have. I would work on this myself, but my
plate is already too overloaded.


Consider using “gem server”, which does most of what you’re asking.
It would be nice if “gem server” would incorporate non-gem rubydocs in
other places in the system as well.

That’s not the same. Gem server depends on gem installations, and the
generation of rdocs by those gems. It is not at all dynamic, nor is
the end result oragnaized in the same fashion.
