If I run all my tests using rake test, they all work. However, when I
run rake test:functionals, some functional tests fail on some of my
assertions? If I run the individual rb file in which the failing tests
appear, they work!
What is different between these ways of running functional tests? I’ve
been scratching my head over this one for ages!
Whenever I’ve had a problem like this it’s been to do with the loading
of fixtures – and not loading all of them that were needed into a
functional test (meaning the state of the items in the db depended on
which tests were run prior to it, and in which order). Have a look at
the functionals that are failing and make sure you are loading all the
fixtures that are needed, including any tables they depend on.
I’ve got similar problems and while I’m glad Chris’ were fixed I’m a
little curious why they worked okay when run with ruby. Do fixtures
get reloaded for each functional test method (like they are in unit
tests)? I’d hope so.