Way to use hpricot to search using a range of elements?


I need to write a scraper using Hpricot, and unfortunately the forum I’m
trying to scrape is…odd. So this is what it looks like:

John D.
Just a quick simple question
by John D. on Jun 16, 2011 at 6:41:11 pm

I need to write a scraper using Hpricot, and unfortunately the site I'm trying to scrape is...odd.

Jane Smith
Re: Just a quick simple question
by John D. on Jun 16, 2011 at 6:41:11 pm

Use the search! Use Nokogiri! You suck!

John D.
Re: Just a quick simple question
by John D. on Jun 16, 2011 at 6:41:11 pm

I Googled till my head exploded! I HAVE to use Hpricot! And finally..pic?

So I need grab each “a[@name]” and “table[@class]” pair. So is it
possible to do a search using a range of elements…something like

doc.search(“a[@name]…table[@class]”).each do |post| puts “HELP ME
PLEASE!” end


Grab the tag, then use the tag’s next_sibling() method to get


7stud – wrote in post #1005827:

Grab the tag, then use the tag’s next_sibling() method to get


Oy…I completely started over because I found another way to access
the page with somewhat better HTML. But regardless, thank you! I’ll
use it for the next project.