Way to alternate styles/classes?


I’m trying to alternate between two classes to apply to a partial.


render :partial => ‘summary_line_item’, :collection =>
@ec_order.ec_line_items %>

Is it possible to apply a different background color depending on
whether the row is even or odd? The content of the partial is
below …

Prescription #<%= summary_line_item_counter+1 %>
<%= image_tag '/images/RxICON_Cream.gif', options = {:alt => ""} %> Refill Number Drug Name Day Supply
#<%= summary_line_item.prescription_number %> <%= summary_line_item.description %> <%= summary_line_item.day_supply %>

Thanks, - Dave

[email protected] wrote:


I’m trying to alternate between two classes to apply to a partial.

I believe there is a helper designed for this very thing called,
“cycle.” It will cycle through an array of arguments given each time it
is called.


It also has some advanced featured, details in the API here: