Watir-rspec 1.0 released


Released watir-rspec 1.0:

  • add installation binary watir-rspec for easier installation of the gem
  • many internal changes
  • README revamp


Add these lines to your application’s Gemfile:

group :test do
gem ‘watir-rspec’

Or install it manually as:

gem install watir-rspec

And execute the following command to add watir-rspec configuration into
your spec_helper:

watir-rspec install

For more information check it out at GitHub -

Jarmo P.

IT does really matter - http://itreallymatters.net

On Sep 21, 2013, at 9:35 AM, Jarmo P. [email protected] wrote:


Released watir-rspec 1.0:

  • add installation binary watir-rspec for easier installation of the gem
  • many internal changes
  • README revamp

WooT!! Thank you!