I’m trying to use Watir to log into a page. I can’t seem to find the
login button in order to click on it. From the Watir examples I’ve read
it seems I need the following code:
browser = Watir::Safari.new
browser.goto @login_page
browser.text_field(:name, ‘UserID’).set(ARGV[0])
browser.text_field(:name, ‘Password’).set(ARGV[1])
browser.button(:alt, ‘Login’).click
However, the final line doesn’t do anything. Note, the text_field lines
do correctly set the username and password. Any idea how to fix this?
Here’s the relavent html:
… lots of stuff …
… lots of stuff …
Also, the full site is here:
You could try to use :index to find the form you want and submit it that
example: browser.form(:index, 1).submit
Or by using :name of the form
example: browser.form(:name, ‘frmLogon’).submit
Phil Mcdonnell wrote:
I’m trying to use Watir to log into a page. I can’t seem to find the
login button in order to click on it. From the Watir examples I’ve read
it seems I need the following code:
browser = Watir::Safari.new
browser.goto @login_page
browser.text_field(:name, ‘UserID’).set(ARGV[0])
browser.text_field(:name, ‘Password’).set(ARGV[1])
browser.button(:alt, ‘Login’).click
However, the final line doesn’t do anything. Note, the text_field lines
do correctly set the username and password. Any idea how to fix this?
Here’s the relavent html:
… lots of stuff …
… lots of stuff …
Also, the full site is here:
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 11:24 PM, Phil Mcdonnell
[email protected] wrote:
I’m trying to use Watir to log into a page. I can’t seem to find the
login button in order to click on it. From the Watir examples I’ve read
it seems I need the following code:
browser.button(:alt, ‘Login’).click
However, the final line doesn’t do anything.
Here’s the relavent html:
I’ve never used Watir, but a quick glance at the API has this for the
“button” method –
“Used to access a button element. Usually an
HTML tag.”
Which the form snippet above clearly is not. So I’m not sure why you
expect this to work. 
Either you have to find the appropriate method, or select that input
element some other way.