Watir - finding element in form

I’m trying to use Watir to log into a page. I can’t seem to find the
login button in order to click on it. From the Watir examples I’ve read
it seems I need the following code:

browser = Watir::Safari.new
browser.goto @login_page
browser.text_field(:name, ‘UserID’).set(ARGV[0])
browser.text_field(:name, ‘Password’).set(ARGV[1])
browser.button(:alt, ‘Login’).click

However, the final line doesn’t do anything. Note, the text_field lines
do correctly set the username and password. Any idea how to fix this?

Here’s the relavent html:

… lots of stuff …

… lots of stuff …

Also, the full site is here:

You could try to use :index to find the form you want and submit it that
example: browser.form(:index, 1).submit
Or by using :name of the form
example: browser.form(:name, ‘frmLogon’).submit

Phil Mcdonnell wrote:

I’m trying to use Watir to log into a page. I can’t seem to find the
login button in order to click on it. From the Watir examples I’ve read
it seems I need the following code:

browser = Watir::Safari.new
browser.goto @login_page
browser.text_field(:name, ‘UserID’).set(ARGV[0])
browser.text_field(:name, ‘Password’).set(ARGV[1])
browser.button(:alt, ‘Login’).click

However, the final line doesn’t do anything. Note, the text_field lines
do correctly set the username and password. Any idea how to fix this?

Here’s the relavent html:

… lots of stuff …

… lots of stuff …

Also, the full site is here:

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 11:24 PM, Phil Mcdonnell
[email protected] wrote:

I’m trying to use Watir to log into a page. I can’t seem to find the
login button in order to click on it. From the Watir examples I’ve read
it seems I need the following code:

browser.button(:alt, ‘Login’).click

However, the final line doesn’t do anything.

Here’s the relavent html:

I’ve never used Watir, but a quick glance at the API has this for the
“button” method –

“Used to access a button element. Usually an
HTML tag.”

Which the form snippet above clearly is not. So I’m not sure why you
expect this to work. :slight_smile:

Either you have to find the appropriate method, or select that input
element some other way.