Hello, all. With your permission I’d like to resurrect a topic that
seems to have died in 2002. At least, this is the most info I’ve
found. The question was, Why does modification of a constant produce
a warning and not an exception? Matz’s answer, ruby-talk 48168, was
as follows (angle brackets added):
M-x eval-ruby-expression
Eval: Foo = 42
bang!|2. is there a beast called a ‘global constant’? i tried defining $Foo
|and ruby allows me to rebind $Foo later.No. $Foo is a plain global variable.
Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with ‘eval-ruby-expression’, which
looks like some sort of Emacs command. So I still consider it a
fairly serious problem that modification of a constant produces
nothing more serious than a warning, which is useless without human
supervision. Especially because, even if an exception were raised
instead, a bypass system is still so easy to arrange:
class Module
def const_set!( name, val )
remove_const(name) if const_defined?(name)
const_set( name, val )
Is this ‘embedded editor’ problem the same as it was five years ago?
Could somebody who does know about embedded editors explain what it
is about them that makes constants so hard to deal with? Ruby-talk
48271, from the same thread:
for example, eval-current-buffer may cause trouble if it redefines
How do embedded editors normally handle exceptions?
Thanks to David G. for creating the prior thread.
- Jonathan