WARNING: You don't have /Users/sammat/.gem/ruby /1.8/bin in your PATH, gem executables will not


I’m new to OS X and I’m new to RoR.

Here’s what I see when going through my first tutorial on RoR.

“WARNING: Installing to ~/.gem since /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8 and
/usr/bin aren’t both writable.
WARNING: You don’t have /Users/sammat/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin in your PATH,
gem executables will not run.”

Could someone give a complete newbie instructions on how to fix this?



On Sep 6, 5:00 pm, sammat [email protected] wrote:

Could someone give a complete newbie instructions on how to fix this?

Depending on what you are doing you may not to do anything. What gem
is saying is that since you didn’t run it with sudo it couldn’t
install the gem in the usual location so it stashed it in your home
folder instead. It is also warning you that if the gem had an
executable (eg the rails gem provides the rails executable) that
executable is not in a folder that is part of PATH. You could
uninstall gems installed like this and install them again using sudo
gem install … if this is worrying you


Hello Sam,

I am not experienced with OS X my self, but since its a unix based
system, i can make a wild guess that you aren’t using sudo while
installing the gem.

your gem installation line should be something like this:

sudo gem install gem_name

Regards :wink: