Want to use Ruby/GTK2 + rcairo on Windows

Hi folks,

I’d like to use ruby-gtk2 package and rcairo on my Windows 7 laptop.
I’m using ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18) [i386-mingw32] installed by
RubyInstaller for Windows.

I could install rcairo very well with gem like this: gem install cairo
–no-rdoc --no-ri

But when I tried to install gtk2 like this: gem install gtk2
I got this error: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

How can I install (or compile) ruby-gtk2?


How can I install (or compile) ruby-gtk2?

from source, most likely. Or if they have a binary distributable (for
windows or for mingw) that would probably work. Now whether compiling
it by hand using devkit is easy, or not, you will be the first person to
have the answer to that question, most likely.