Hi, I’m currently studying ruby at university and I have to make an
application for a poll. I need a way of taking in votes and then
processing these votes but haven’t the slightest clue. Anyone got any
Any reply’s would be greatly appreciated.
On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 12:40 PM, Phil Clarke
[email protected] wrote:
Hi, I’m currently studying ruby at university and I have to make an
application for a poll. I need a way of taking in votes and then
processing these votes but haven’t the slightest clue. Anyone got any
Any reply’s would be greatly appreciated.
That’s not really specific enough. Maybe focus in on one aspect of
the problem and ask a question about that aspect. People are willing
to help, but you should at least show some of your ideas.
I’d start by getting an office hour time with the instructor or TA.