Volk issues on 32-bit hardware?

I’ve a user who’s trying to install my simple_ra code. It builds just
fine, but upon running, runs into a linker error involving VOLK:

raceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/peter/bin/simple_ra_receiver.py”, line 23, in
from grc_gnuradio import blks2 as grc_blks2
line 22, in
from packet import options, packet_encoder, packet_decoder,
line 21, in
from gnuradio import gr, digital
line 34, in
from digital_swig import *
line 28, in
_digital_swig = swig_import_helper()
line 24, in swig_import_helper
_mod = imp.load_module(’_digital_swig’, fp, pathname, description)
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/libgnuradio-digital-
undefined symbol: volk_32f_binary_slicer_8i

This is a 32-bit install of Ubuntu 14.04, I don’t know exactly what type
of hardware.

I vaguely recall noise about 32-bit VOLK installs becoming confused, but
I can’t find that thread.

They installed using build-gnuradio, and that apparently worked just
fine (or, at least, didn’t fail to the point that build-gnuradio

The recent 32-bit noise was related to a bad ifdef fence in a puppet.
would show up in VOLK builds, but never at runtime.

The kernel in question volk_32f_binary_slicer_8 came in to existence
past August or September, which is relatively new in terms of volk

Here are my hunches on the culprit:

  1. this is a case of an incomplete uninstall/reinstall of GNU Radio
    libvolk wasn’t removed/replaced, but the gr binary slicer block was.

  2. there are multiple libvolks in different prefixes. An old one is
    picked up at runtime

I’ll be very surprised if there aren’t multiple versions of libvolk
living in ld library paths


On 03/08/2015 12:11 PM, West, Nathan wrote:

where libvolk wasn’t removed/replaced, but the gr binary slicer block was.

  1. there are multiple libvolks in different prefixes. An old one is
    getting picked up at runtime

I’ll be very surprised if there aren’t multiple versions of libvolk
living in ld library paths

OK, cool.

It runs out that this is actually 64-bit hardware, so he’s going to go
off and install a 64-bit OS instance on it, then try again. This should
a “virgin” system when he layers Gnu Radio on top of it.