I’m wondering if it’s possible to make gnuradio working with some VoIP
applications (e.g ekiga). Can I for example direct pkts from/to
Ethernet port to/from Gnuradio (usb port)?
I’m wondering if it’s possible to make gnuradio working with some VoIP
applications (e.g ekiga). Can I for example direct pkts from/to
Ethernet port to/from Gnuradio (usb port)?
On Mar 15, 2013, at 6:41 AM, Nada ABDELKADER wrote:
I’m wondering if it’s possible to make gnuradio working with some VoIP
applications (e.g ekiga). Can I for example direct pkts from/to Ethernet port
to/from Gnuradio (usb port)?
It’s not clear at all what you are asking, but if you want to use some
VoIP application, or really any application, as an audio source or sink,
you may be able to do so through something like PulseAudio[1], which can
route audio between applications. You can also use file IO, perhaps with
the files being FIFOs, or develop a custom block which interfaces with
another application using some API it might provide.
[1] PulseAudio
My goal is to use a VoIP application basing on gnuradio and USRP
instead of ordinary Ethernet/Wifi connection.
If I choose to develop a block do I need to go through C++ Code and
add/modify sth to do so?
I’m beginner in gnuradio and am a little bit confused
Phillip F. [email protected] a crit:
Sorry for bothering again, but if I do so (use application or add
block), Do you think this may not affect VOIP delay?
I won’t get bad audio quality (packets loss) or more delay?
Phillip F. [email protected] a crit:
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