Vlad problems

I am having trouble getting rake vlad:start to work… here is the

ivan:04:39 PM:www2.sustainablewebsites.com> rake vlad:start
(in /Users/ivan/Sites/www2.sustainablewebsites.com)
!!! PID file log/mongrel.8000.pid does not exist. Not running?
mongrel::stop reported an error. Use mongrel_rails mongrel::stop -h to
get help.
!!! PID file log/mongrel.8001.pid does not exist. Not running?
mongrel::stop reported an error. Use mongrel_rails mongrel::stop -h to
get help.
Stopping 2 Mongrel servers…
mongrel_rails stop -P log/mongrel.8000.pid -c

mongrel_rails stop -P log/mongrel.8001.pid -c

Starting 2 Mongrel servers…
httpd not running, trying to start
(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
rake aborted!
execution failed with status 1: ssh www2.sustainablewebsites.com
apachectl restart


  1. apache is running
  2. why are the permissions denied errors happening?
  3. if vlad takes mongel_cluster.yml info, why is it looking on port
    8000? that’s not what I have in mongrel_cluster.yml

My Deploy.rb:
set :svn_user, “sw_ivanoats”
set :svn_password, “my password”


set :application, “www2.sustainablewebsites.com
set :domain, “www2.sustainablewebsites.com
set :deploy_to, “/var/www/www2.sustainablewebsites.com”
set :repository, “http://sw.unfuddle.com/svn/sw_sw/

set :mongrel_port, 5500
set :mongrel_servers, 2

With regard to the third question:
3) ifvladtakes mongel_cluster.yml info, why is it looking on port
8000? that’s not what I have in mongrel_cluster.yml

You may need to re-run rake vlad:setup.
Double-check the values inside vlad’s shared/mongrel_cluster.conf;
this seems to be what actually determines mongrel’s behavior.

Had the same problem :slight_smile:

On Oct 3, 3:50 pm, Ivan S. [email protected]