Since most of the rails developers seem to use macs, could someone
possibly suggest a good visual db modelling tool to use along with
rails and MySQL?
So far I’ve already tested the absolutely unsuable Workbench as well as
dbSketch, which was not adequate either.
The tool needn’t be free, as long as it is stable, works with MySQL and
has a trial version.
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XERD is not mentioned anymore on its developer’s site - it seems to
have suffered some sort of data loss, the current version at
VersionTracker is reported to have some crashing issues.
Guess, I will stick with DBVisualizer - it seems pretty adequate.
Guess, I will stick with DBVisualizer - it seems pretty adequate.
You might want to consider OmniGraffle, from the Omni Group. Although it
a general diagramming tool – sort of like Visio, it includes a template
E-R diagrams and there’s a MySQL one available.