I’m new to vim. Someone please provide me their vimrc file which has all
these features at least: Completion, Syntax highlight, Line number, Auto
indentation and file browser.
Also, which plugins will be helpful working with Ruby?
Godspeed –
Junayeed Ahnaf N.
Twitter - @Nirjhor http://twitter.com/nirjhor
You can start here. GitHub - vim-ruby/vim-ruby: Vim/Ruby Configuration Files
On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 2:03 AM, Junayeed Ahnaf N. <
Okay I installed vim ruby and supertab but it still is not completing
codes . It completes after I use a method but not before it.
A regular IDE offer code completion before you finish using it once.
Godspeed –
Junayeed Ahnaf N.
Twitter - @Nirjhor
Coming over from AppleScript, one of the things I haven’t been able to
find is something like AppleScript’s Text Item Delimiters or Awk’s FS,
where you can define separators for text files. For example, if I have
something like this:
1 |
2 |
If I set FS to
, then I could capture 1 | , and 2.
While this isn’t a great example because there are many other ways to
capture this via regex. This becomes more useful with much more
convoluted things. I haven’t been able to find anything similar in Ruby,
which probably means I need to rethink how I capture blocks of text and
store them into arrays and hashes.
On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 02:29, Junayeed Ahnaf N. <
[email protected]> wrote:
Okay I installed vim ruby and supertab but it still is not completing
codes . It completes after I use a method but not before it.
A regular IDE offer code completion before you finish using it once.
It’s not an IDE. If you’re looking for something in that vein,
RubyMinehttp://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/is probably the best out
there. The reason that it doesn’t auto-complete
until after you’ve defined it is because it doesn’t load the entirety of
your Ruby + Gems into memory before starting up. If it did, it would
perform like an IDE, too.
-Nick K.
If you are parsing HTML you could of course use AN HTML PARSING
Failing that you could use the split command from available from the
String class
But I recommend a Nokogiri for parsing HTML and XML. See also
Spot on. I use RubyMine all the time. Hearing a lots of good thing about
vim I tried to shift. But alas! Only in vein.
Godspeed –
Junayeed Ahnaf N.
Twitter - @Nirjhor
On Oct 31, 2011, at 04:32 , Junayeed Ahnaf N. wrote:
Spot on. I use RubyMine all the time. Hearing a lots of good thing about vim I
tried to shift. But alas! Only in vein.
So load all the files in your project:
% vim lib/**/*.rb
or use a tagfile. Exuberant ctags is a great program.
Thanks everybody. It’s just a matter of rethinking things, but the
Justin you were spot on. The record separator was exactly what I was
thinking about (or something similar actually).
I figured out why my parsing of data wasn’t going so well. Maybe
somebody can point me to better documentation on why this happens.
If I do this:
myarray = somestring.split(’\n\n’)
My array ends up with a single item
If I do this:
myarray = somestring.split("\n\n")
my array ends up with the breaks exactly where I expected them and I end
up with multiple items in my array.
so, why is " not equal to ’ in this instance?
Because that is how Ruby (and also Perl) work. Strings inside ’ are
litteral and strings inside " are interpolated.
This might sound a little rude but have you read any books on Ruby or
worked through any of the tutorials?
On Oct 31, 2011, at 4:17 PM, Peter H. wrote:
Because that is how Ruby (and also Perl) work. Strings inside ’ are
litteral and strings inside " are interpolated.
This might sound a little rude but have you read any books on Ruby or
worked through any of the tutorials?
Yes on both accounts (and I don’t consider it rude that you
asked/suggested). However, this is the first time I’ve run into this
problem and I suspect that’s because most of the
books/tutorials/examples out there don’t go into details on this
particular subject. Coming from a language where you couldn’t
interchange single and double quotes in 99% of the situations, I was
simply caught off-guard. Thanks for your explanation.
On 10/31/2011 03:40 AM, Wayne B. wrote:
Coming over from AppleScript, one of the things I haven’t been able to find is
something like AppleScript’s Text Item Delimiters or Awk’s FS, where you can
define separators for text files. For example, if I have something like this:
If I set FS to, then I could capture 1, and 2.
While this isn’t a great example because there are many other ways to capture
this via regex. This becomes more useful with much more convoluted things. I
haven’t been able to find anything similar in Ruby, which probably means I need to
rethink how I capture blocks of text and store them into arrays and hashes.
I believe you are looking for $/
Also, you can set the record separator when calling various methods like
I put my vim config on GitHub: http://github.com/samwho/vim-config
There’s probably more in there than you need. Feel free to pick and
it’s a tad messy, too. I started using pathogen half way through
of like a package manager for vim).
Recommended parts: vim-ruby, syntastic (check the vimrc file for
setup), and rubycomplete.
As has been mentioned already, the autocomplete isn’t built to work like
IDE and will require exuberant ctags to run.
I hope this helps