Vim pplugin

I need Automatic Header to *.rb file.

       Filename:  myprogram.rb
  • Description:
  •    Version:  1.0
  •    Created:  01/19/09 20:23:25
  •   Revision:  none

Any vim plugin is there. I have vim plugin for perl . But I don’t have
vim plugin for ruby.

2009/4/2 Vetrivel V. [email protected]:

  •    Created:  01/19/09 20:23:25
  •   Revision:  none

Any vim plugin is there. I have vim plugin for perl . But I don’t have
vim plugin for ruby.

Posted via

why not write a script in ruby to generate that for you?

John M.
07739 171 531

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On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Vetrivel V.
[email protected] wrote:

This actually doesn’t have anything to do with ruby per se, but this
might help:

btw, that’s the first hit for google search ‘vim generate file headers’