View Directory Structure


I have a controller called contents so when i point to
http://localhost:3006/contents/list i get my list of conents with the
usual edit/delete etc.

I have created a new folder called administration in the view and an
administration controller. I have put the contents view folder in
administration folder and added the following code to the administration

class AdministrationController < ApplicationController
def index
redirect_to ‘Administration/contents/list’, :controller =>

when i go to the following link http://localhost:3006/administration/ i
just get a blank page.

Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong, ive tried a host of things but
nothing has worked.

Eventually i want to have a page in my administration view that renders
the list from the contents folder view.

Can anyone help?

Maybe i didnt explain myself properly here.

I have now added the following to the controller:

class AdministrationController < ApplicationController
def index

I have a index.rhtml in the administration folder:
<%= link_to ‘list inside my contents folder’, :action => ‘list’,
:controller => ‘contents’ %>

When i click the link above i get the message:
Missing template ./script/…/config/…/app/views/contents/list.rhtml

How can i make it look in
…/app/views/administration/contents/list.rhtml for the file?

I cant seem to find anything on the ineternet to help?