Video streaming through gr-extras tuntap in pre-cog

I am trying to stream a VLC video stream to the gr-extras tuntap
I have modified the simple_trx demo to include tuntap device and run the
flow graph as a root. I assign the tap device the required ip address
but I
am not sure how to assign a port number to it.

Then I configure the vlc media player to stream webcam video to the tap
device address. I disable the ARQ in the pre-cog.

The flow graph runs correctly but on a spectrum analyzer I just see a
single packet and then everything turns off.

Does any body know how to stream video in to the tuntap device.


Dear GNU Radio Guru,

For the sake of this list, I’m going to have to ask you to send all
requests for pre-cog to [email protected]. I’ll be getting to the
other three e-mails you sent last night in a little while.
