VERY simple question moving to RAILS 2

In the old rails, I could just put a .rjs file and it would
automagically work . ie, action is new_child, it would use
new_child.rjs as the view.

However, in rails 2.02 I am getting a
“ActionController::MissingTemplate (Missing template
tasks/new_child.html.erb in view path
/Users/alan/Projects/superb/app/views):” error.

I have it now as “new_child.js.rjs” to go along with the new
content.generator type.

What am I missing?



Found it. Sorry for clogging the list. It turns out that while in
old rails, you could get away with depending it to use request.xhr? to
do the right thing, now you need a:
format.js # new_child.js.rjs

line. On to the next “opportunity”

