@version_control_book not available while testing - AWD book

In the page 148 of the AWD book it’s mentioned that the while testing

@products and @version_control_book are automatically made available.

That’s not the case with me. In my test environment I don’t get those

I was wondering if anything has changed in Rails 1.1 because in the new
edition of the book (AWD - edition 2) there is no mention of such
feature in
testing chapter?


Neeraj K. wrote:

In the page 148 of the AWD book it’s mentioned that the while testing

@products and @version_control_book are automatically made available.

That’s not the case with me. In my test environment I don’t get those

I was wondering if anything has changed in Rails 1.1 because in the new
edition of the book (AWD - edition 2) there is no mention of such
feature in
testing chapter?



On-Demand Instantiated Fixtures

By default in Rails 1.0, fixtures aren’t instantiated and assigned to
instance variables until you need them. Whereas previous releases would
automatically create a @version_control_book instance variable, for
example, before each test method, you can now use the fixture accessor
method products(:version_control_book) to load fixture data into
variables on demand.

So before running the test with instantiated fixtures disabled, we need
to change the tests to use fixture accessor methods:

def test_add_one_product
  @cart.add_product products(:version_control_book)
  assert_equal 1, @cart.items.size

def test_add_duplicate_products
  @cart.add_product products(:version_control_book)
  @cart.add_product products(:version_control_book)
  @cart.add_product products(:automation_book)
  assert_equal 2, @cart.items.size