VERSION constant issue

Ruby’s VERSION constant is getting in the way of using #const_missing
in my module. Here’s some example code:

module Foo
def self.const_data
@const_data ||= { ‘version’ => ‘1.0.0’ }

def self.const_missing(name)
  key = name.to_s.downcase
  const_data[key] || super(name)


Foo::VERSION #=> ‘1.8.7’

How can I fix this?

I tried remove_const(:VERSION) at the toplevel but discovered that
some Ruby library don’t like that (sorry, can’t recall which it was
off hand).

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 2:54 PM, Intransition [email protected]

const_data[key] || super(name)

Foo::VERSION #=> ‘1.8.7’

How can I fix this?

I tried remove_const(:VERSION) at the toplevel but discovered that
some Ruby library don’t like that (sorry, can’t recall which it was
off hand).

Is this really an issue with ::VERSION? To me this rather looks like
an issue with lookup logic (either the general or yours) since the
same would apply to all other constants, wouldn’t it?

Kind regards



cfp:~ > cat a.rb
module Lib
def Lib.const_data
@const_data ||= {
‘version’ => ‘4.2.0’

def Lib.const_missing(const)
const_data[const.to_s.downcase] || super


cfp:~ > rvm a.rb

info: ruby-1.8.7-p302: ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i686- darwin9.8.0]


info: ruby-1.9.2-p0: ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [i386- darwin9.8.0]


On Nov 25, 12:54pm, Josh C. [email protected] wrote:

key = name.to_s.downcase
off hand).
const_data[key] || super(name)

going back through ruby versions

I wasn’t able to get these to print

the ruby version until 1.7.1

thanks, :slight_smile:

Foo::VERSION # => “1.0.0”
Foo::VERSION # => “1.0.0”

Hmmm… I haven’t been able to quite get the rhyme or reason of the
behavior, but I just got the error again. The code is:

class TracePoint

# Access to metadata.
def self.metadata
  @metadata ||= (
    require 'yaml'
    YAML.load( + '/


# Access metadata as constants.
def self.const_missing(name)
  name = name.to_s
  metadata[name] || super(name)

When I use run:

require ‘tracepoint’

I get:

tryit.rb:2: warning: toplevel constant VERSION referenced by

I got this on both:
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [x86_64-linux]
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [x86_64-linux]

Ruby 1.9.2 is not a problem.

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 7:54 AM, Intransition [email protected]

 const_data[key] || super(name)

Here are my results.

module Foo
def self.const_data
@const_data ||= { ‘version’ => ‘1.0.0’ }

def self.const_missing(name)
key = name.to_s.downcase
const_data[key] || super(name)

VERSION # => “1.8.7”
self::VERSION # => “1.0.0”

def self.method
VERSION # => “1.8.7”

going back through ruby versions

I wasn’t able to get these to print

the ruby version until 1.7.1

thanks, :slight_smile:

Foo::VERSION # => “1.0.0”
Foo::VERSION # => “1.0.0”

On Nov 25, 2010, at 05:54, Intransition wrote:

 const_data[key] || super(name)


Foo::VERSION #=> ‘1.8.7’

How can I fix this?

What would ::const_data provide that Module#constants, Module#const_get
and Module#const_set and direct constant access don’t provide? If it’s
something legitimate, invert ::const_data to reference real constants
via introspection and get rid of const_missing.

I tried remove_const(:VERSION) at the toplevel but discovered that
some Ruby library don’t like that (sorry, can’t recall which it was
off hand).

File a bug, they should be using RUBY_VERSION.

On Nov 25, 9:03am, Robert K. [email protected] wrote:

Is this really an issue with ::VERSION? To me this rather looks like
an issue with lookup logic (either the general or yours) since the
same would apply to all other constants, wouldn’t it?

Yes, it would be.

On Dec 13, 1:21pm, Eric H. [email protected] wrote:

def self.const_missing(name)
key = name.to_s.downcase
const_data[key] || super(name)

Foo::VERSION #=> ‘1.8.7’

How can I fix this?

What would ::const_data provide that Module#constants, Module#const_get and
Module#const_set and direct constant access don’t provide? If it’s something
legitimate, invert ::const_data to reference real constants via introspection and
get rid of const_missing.

I could, but I wanted to lazy load the information b/c it is being
read from a file, and in most usecases will not be used. The reason I
am using constants is simply b/c it’s customary in this case as the
information is project metadata, such as VERSION.

I tried remove_const(:VERSION) at the toplevel but discovered that
some Ruby library don’t like that (sorry, can’t recall which it was
off hand).

File a bug, they should be using RUBY_VERSION.

Will do. I tracked it down to a Ruby 1.8.7:

e2mmap.rb:fail “Use Ruby 1.1” if VERSION < “1.1”