Anyone know how to get http-access2 to verify the SSL Certificate on
I can get it to not verify, but I can’t seem to get it to use local
certs to verify… I guess I need to install them somewhere and set
some envariable to point to the dir, but I’m not sure which envar or
what to install…
Could someone point in the right direction on this? Or, if my question
is unintelligble for some reason, let me know why?
Am I the only one whose ever tried to use http-access2 SSL on Windows?
Surely, someone, somewhere could give me a pointer in how to verify
remote certs (Google didn’t help).
Thanks - I guess I’m looking for a way to do this with “universal” root
certs, similar to the way a browser works. - where you don’t need the
specific cert/key of the other host, provided that it is signed by a
recognized CA (such as VeriSign)
Hi listrecv!
On Wed, 29 Mar 2006, [email protected] wrote:
Am I the only one whose ever tried to use http-access2 SSL on Windows?
Surely, someone, somewhere could give me a pointer in how to verify
remote certs (Google didn’t help).
I can’t see why it would be different on Windows vs. Unix, but who
knows? At any rate, this is what I do on my Unix box (no Windows here,
@ca_file = “/path/to/remote/server’s/pub/key”
@proxy = ENV[‘HTTP_PROXY’] || ENV[‘http_proxy’] || nil
@client =
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