Hi list
this is a bug fix of verify-0.1a introducing mockify.
It adheres to the basic principles to be very, very simple.
Hopefully it is useful to somebody, well it is to me :).
- Backtrace information for unexpected exceptions fixed.
- Mockify tool added.
- Using verify and mockify for testing verify and mockify.
By requiring mockify the with_output method becomes available inside
Verify blocks.
The result of with_output calls is $stdout.readlines, but a stringio
object can
be specified in addition to capture the output.
Verify “Mockify” do
x = with_output do
puts 42
verify do x == [“42”] end
require ‘stringio’
out = StringIO::new
x = with_output out do
puts 42
verify do x == [“42”] end
verify do out.string == “42\n” end
x = with_output out do
print "hello "
puts “World”
verify do x == [“42”, “hello World”] end
verify do out.string == “42\nhello World\n” end