Vendored Oniguruma gem MissingSourceFile oregexp

Hi All,

Hoping someone can help me with this. I have installed the Oniguruma gem
by compiling from source and then installing the gem based on the
instructions here:

My environment is mac osx leopard running ruby 1.8.6 and rails 2.3.4.

I can now run the following irb session successfully:

irb(main):001:0> require ‘rubygems’
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require ‘oniguruma’
=> true
irb(main):003:0> require ‘uv’
=> true
irb(main):006:0> result = Uv.parse( “.thing {background-color: red}”,
“xhtml”, “css”, true, “amy”)
=> “<pre class="amy"><span class="line-numbers"> 1 <span
class="TagAttribute"><span class="Punctuation">.thing
<span class="Punctuation">{<span
class="Punctuation">: <span

Then I vendored the gem using rake gems:unpack:dependencies.

Then when starting the server or running a console in dev mode, when
requiring ultraviolet I get the following error:

Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.4)
irb: warn: can’t alias context from irb_context.

require ‘uv’
MissingSourceFile: no such file to load – oregexp
gem_original_require' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in require’
require' from /Users/matthewling/work/personal/codiary/trunk/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:521:in new_constants_in’
require' from /Users/matthewling/work/personal/codiary/trunk/vendor/gems/oniguruma-1.1.0/lib/oniguruma.rb:1 from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in gem_original_require’

I can see that oregexp.c is under vendor → gems → oniguruma-1.1.0 →
ext but not quite sure what the custom require is missing to load the

Has anyone seen this before or some advice if it looks like a standard
or fixable error? It seems to rather be a rails thing, since I can load
the gem from an irb session properly.

Would really appreciate any help …



On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 9:32 PM, Matthew F. [email protected]

Then when starting the server or running a console in dev mode, when
requiring ultraviolet I get the following error:

Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.4)
irb: warn: can’t alias context from irb_context.

require ‘uv’
MissingSourceFile: no such file to load – oregexp

Did you run

rake gems:build

to build native extensions for vendored gems?

Nikolai L. wrote:

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 9:32 PM, Matthew F. [email protected]

Then when starting the server or running a console in dev mode, when
requiring ultraviolet I get the following error:

Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.4)
irb: warn: can’t alias context from irb_context.

require ‘uv’
MissingSourceFile: no such file to load – oregexp

Did you run

rake gems:build

to build native extensions for vendored gems?

Hey Nikolai,

Awesome! That was it, that’s what I love about this community, friendly
helpful people everywhere …

Thanks mate!
