Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Ladies and Gentlemen, soon you shall be
thrilled and dazzled by wonders of magical mystery.
Soon, very soon, Dr Nic’s Magic Models will be unveiled to all. Children
will giggle; Rubists will nod acknowledgingly; Railers will applaud
No entry fee. 2 drink minimum.
Watch out for the Invisible Model Classes. Got a legacy database of 50
tables? You can’t be bothered writing model files for each and every
one? Watch closely as the Invisible Model Classes appear before your
very eyes just when you want them, for each and every table of your
database. WOW! Laziness at your fingertips.
More, you ask? More?
How about Astral Associations? Unconfirmed rumours suggest that Dr Nic’s
Magic Models will perform the following stunning trick:
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bars
belongs_to :car
can be defined simply as:
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
Tada!!! That’s right. You ask @foo.car and a Car will be waiting for
you. @foo.bars gives you a list of Bars; and if you’re feeling lucky,
@foo.bar gives you the first Bar.
Finally, I shall merely tantalise you with the mere suggestion of a
trick called Virtual Validations.
Tickets are available by pressing the Reply button.