

I have a question related to validations. My user table has a password
field. I have some validations related to password field in my model
file for this table (user.rb). I have a typical form to change password
form where I have three fields namely current password, new password and
retype password.

My validations for other forms work, but those forms are one for each
table. For this particular form, validations don’t work. Do I have to
write separate validations for this form in action or can I reuse these
validations in some way? If there is some other way, please elaborate.

– password related validation defs from user.rb –

attr_accessor :password
validates_presence_of :password, :password_confirmation, :if =>
:password_required?, :message => “Password cannot be blank”
validates_length_of :password, :within => 8…32, :if =>
validates_confirmation_of :password, :if => :password_required?,
:message => “New password and retyped password don’t match”

– password related validation defs from user.rb end here –

Thank you.

:wq Sameer.