Rails 3.1 and I’m working through activeldap which is not exactly
class Group < ActiveLdap::Base
def validate
errors.add(:base, “You must enter a value for the ‘Common name’”)
unless self.cn.to_s != ‘’
errors.add(:base, “You must enter a value for the ‘GID Number’”)
unless self.gidNumber.to_s != ‘’
errors.add(:base, “You must enter a value for the ‘Description’”)
unless self.description.to_s != ‘’
errors.add(:base, “You must enter a value for the ‘sambaGroupType’”)
unless self[“objectclass”].include? “sambaGroupMapping”
return errors
irb(main):014:0> @group = Group.new
=> #<Group objectClass:<top, posixGroup>, must:<cn, gidNumber,
objectClass>, may:<description, memberUid, userPassword>, cn: [],
commonName: [], description: [], gidNumber: [], memberUid: [],
objectClass: [“top”, “PosixGroup”], userPassword: []>
irb(main):015:0> @group.validate
=> #<ActiveModel::Errors:0xa4b706c @base=#<Group objectClass:<top,
posixGroup>, must:<cn, gidNumber, objectClass>, may:<description,
memberUid, userPassword>, cn: [], commonName: [], description: [],
gidNumber: [], memberUid: [], objectClass: [“top”, “PosixGroup”],
userPassword: []>, @messages=#<OrderedHash {:base=>[“You must enter a
value for the ‘Common name’”, “You must enter a value for the ‘GID
Number’”, “You must enter a value for the ‘Description’”, “You must
enter a value for the ‘sambaGroupType’”]}>>
irb(main):016:0> @group.validate.messages.each do |a|
irb(main):017:1* puts a
irb(main):018:1> end
You must enter a value for the ‘Common name’
You must enter a value for the ‘GID Number’
You must enter a value for the ‘Description’
You must enter a value for the ‘sambaGroupType’
You must enter a value for the ‘Common name’
You must enter a value for the ‘GID Number’
You must enter a value for the ‘Description’
You must enter a value for the ‘sambaGroupType’
Or if I use my rails app instead and put @group.validate into flash
hash, I also get duplication…
base You must enter a value for the ‘Description’ base You must enter a
value for the ‘Description’
(and I really would prefer to get the ‘base’ out of there altogether but
can’t seem to find a way to do that either)
Craig W. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[email protected]
1.800.869.6908 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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