Validating a legal subdomain

I have a Rails app that uses subdomains as account keys. Users name
their own subdomains. How can I validate those subdomains as legal?

On 11 Dec 2008, at 17:06, [email protected] wrote:

I have a Rails app that uses subdomains as account keys. Users name
their own subdomains. How can I validate those subdomains as legal?

Just like you would verify a user login. The subdomain then becomes
part of the login procedure. You store it in a table and you
“authenticate” the domain in a before_filter.

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

I think what Jeff meant is how to validate the subdomain as a normal
combination of letters and integers without a bunch of strange keys.
He’s not talking about authentication, he’s talking about validation.

I’ll post here if I get this going Jeff. I’m also working on a way. It
looks like it will have to be a regular expression.

On Dec 12 2008, 12:33 am, Peter De Berdt [email protected]

I eventually settled on a regex that permits only letters, numbers and
hyphens. Close enough for my needs:

validates_format_of :subdomain,
:with => /^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*?$/,
:message => ‘accepts only letters, numbers
and hyphens’

Hope that’s helpful!


That is pretty much what I was going to recommend.

Thanks Jeff. =)