Hey all…
I’ve got a facade column set up (specifically, I’ve got a column in my
database called ip_address that stores an IP as a 32-bit integer rather
than the dotted notation, but the model reads and writes as the dotted
notation), but I want to validate that the IP is unique in the database
whenever an entry is created or edited.
is there any way to do this?
simply putting ‘validates_uniqueness_of :ip_address’ doesn’t work since
it’s querying my database with the dotted notation rather than the
32-bit integer value.
You may have to roll your own like:
def before_save
find(:all, :conditions => [‘ip_address = ?’,
just a note, convert_to_int is simply a facade that you should replace
with whatever method you are using to do the conversion, I assume
IPAddr#to_i, but none-the-less, you get the gist of it.
I’m putting it in my validate function since I want to be able to report
errors to the user.
and it works… awesome, thanks!
I didn’t even think of doing it like that.
my complete function is:
def validate
check if the ip_address is unique
@s = Machine.find(:all, :conditions => [‘ip_address = ? and id <> ?’,
IPAddress.to_int(self.ip_address), self.id])
if @s.length > 0
errors.add :ip_address, “is already taken”
looks alright, right?
yep, or you could clean it up even more by eliminating the unnecessary
instance variable:
def validate
check if the ip_address is unique
unless Machine.find(:all, :conditions => [‘ip_address = ? and id <> ?’,
IPAddress.to_int(self.ip_address), self.id]).empty?
errors.add :ip_address, “is already taken”
However, both will work, this one just uses a tad less memory. Glad it
worked for ya.