Here is the validation being used which is not working…
validates_presence_of :name => :controller_name, :if => :redirect?,
:message => “must have the same name as the controller.”
The model has a string field for name.
The model has a boolean field for redirect.
The model has a string field for controller_name.
What I want to do is ensure that if the redirect box is checked for
true, that the name field matches the controller_name field precisely.
I’m not sure if validates_presence_of will do it. I may have to create
a custom validation but am unsure how to proceed.
Much appreciation in advance…
On Jan 8, 2:59Â pm, Alpha B. [email protected] wrote:
What I want to do is ensure that if the redirect box is checked for
true, that the name field matches the controller_name field precisely.
I’m not sure if validates_presence_of will do it. Â I may have to create
a custom validation but am unsure how to proceed.
validates_presence_of doesn’t do that.
Custom validations aren’t scary. Adding a class method like
def validates_foo(*attr_names)
options = attr_names.extract_options!
validates_each(attr_names, options) do |record, attr_name, value|
record.errors.add(attr_name, options[:message]) if …
lets you do
validates_foo :attr1, :attr2
You get stuff like :if and :unless for free
Thanks for the explanation Fred.
I tried doing this but it’s not working properly:
def self.validates_is_exact(attr_names)
options = attr_names.extract_options!
validates_each((attr_names << options)) do |record, attr_name, value|
if record.send( options[:compare_field] ) == value
record.errors.add(attr_name, options[:message])
validates_is_exact :name, :compare_field => :controller_name, :if =>
:redirect?, :message => “must have the same name as the controller.”
And ran a test in the console:
e = = “testname”
e.redirect = true
e.controller_name = “testname”
=> false
Any idea what I might be doing wrong here?
I was reading the errors wrong. It’s working properly.
Thanks Fred for the advice.
Here is the finished validation, corrected:
def self.validates_is_exact(attr_names)
options = attr_names.extract_options!
validates_each((attr_names << options)) do |record, attr_name, value|
if record.send( options[:compare_field] ) != value
record.errors.add(attr_name, options[:message])
validates_is_exact :name, :compare_field => :controller_name, :if =>
:redirect?, :message => “must have the same name as the controller.”
Basically, it compares the :name field value with the :compare_field
field.value and if they are the same, validation is successful. If they
are different, it throws my custom message.
Thanks again Fred. It was much easier than I anticipated.