Validates_format_of .csv

Hello all,
I’m trying to validate a uploaded file extension. I’m not using any
special plugin other that fastercsv.

When I try to upload an incorrect file (say a “.doc”), I get this error
“Error adding logs. (Unquoted fields do not allow \r or \n (line 2).).
Please try again.”

Below is my model.

class Import < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_format_of :import, :with => /^.+.(csv)$/,
:message => ‘A .csv file is required.’

It should work but it doesn’t.

Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.


I think you try to parse the csv before saving the model to the db.
Thats when validations would be run. You should catch any FasterCSV
Exceptions and give a proper error message in the controller.

2009/10/8, John M. [email protected]:

Below is my model.
Thank you.


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Von meinen Mobilgerät aus gesendet

+1 on Mike’s suggestion - otherwise, you’ll get users RENAMING
their .doc file to end with .csv and uploading it over and over… :slight_smile:

–Matt J.

On Oct 8, 11:47 am, John M. [email protected]

mike wrote:

I think you try to parse the csv before saving the model to the db.
Thats when validations would be run. You should catch any FasterCSV
Exceptions and give a proper error message in the controller.

2009/10/8, John M. [email protected]:

Below is my model.
Thank you.


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Von meinen Mobilger�t aus gesendet

Thanks for the advice.

I checked the controller and sure enough there’s a ‘rescue => exception’
I parsed out the file extension then did a simple conditional for ‘csv’

Here’s my controller for anyone that falls into the same quagmire.

  • Controller -
    def process_csv

    file = params[:import][:file]
    rowcount = 0

    Import.transaction do
    :headers => true,
    :header_converters => :symbol ) do |row|
    rowcount += 1

    if successful then display, then redirect to index page

    flash[:notice] = “Successfully added #{rowcount} project(s).”
    redirect_to :action => :index

    rescue => exception
    file_name = params[:import][‘file’].original_filename
    file_parts = params[:import][‘file’].original_filename.split(‘.’)
    ext = file_parts[1]

    if ext != ‘csv’
    error = “CSV file is required”
    error = ERB::Util.h(exception.to_s) # get the error and HTML
    escape it

    If an exception in thrown, the transaction rolls back and we end

up in this
# rescue block

flash[:error] = "Error adding projects to Import table. (#{error}). 

Please try again. "

redirect_to :action => :new


Thanks again.
