Validate on create but I don't save to DB


I want to do a simple thing: Validate a form so it raises an error when
a field is empty. The thing is that I don’t save the contents of that
form into DB.

What I’ve done is:

1- Add model like this:

class Password < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :email, :on => :create

2- The view is:

<%= error_messages_for :password %>
<% form_for :password, :url => { :action => ‘create’ } do |f| %>
What was the email address used to create your account?

<%= f.text_field :email, :size => “50” %>
<%= submit_tag ‘Reset Password’ %>
<% end %>

3- The controller is:

def create
@user = User.find_for_forget(params[:email])
return unless
if @user = User.find_for_forget(params[:email])
redirect_to login_path
render :action => ‘new’

4- And my problem is that I get no errors (from the system) when I press
the button in the form. Shouldn’t it validate it when the create method
is called?

I didn’t generate the model I just added the password.rb to use the
validate utilities.

Again, I just want to see the error that rails has by default.

Thanks for any hints you might have.

<%= error_messages_for :password %>

there is no password object in your create action, maybe this should be

<%= error_messages_for :user %>

def create
@user = User.find_for_forget(params[:email])
return unless
if @user = User.find_for_forget(params[:email])
redirect_to login_path
render :action => ‘new’

can’t see, what this has to do with the password. And why do you search
for the user twice?

Anyway, you can check validations with valid?

this runs validate and validate_on_create or validate_on_update and
returns true if no errors were added otherwise false.


<%= error_messages_for :user %> didn’t help 8-(

can’t see, what this has to do with the password. And why do you search
for the user twice?

Yep I search twice because I forgot to remove it from previous test,
This is from the password controller, it sets some flags on the user
object. But in practice takes care of triggering some email sending to
users when they want to reset their password.

Anyway, you can check validations with valid?

I was checking that but the problem is that I don’t know on which object
run the valid? method.


On 23 May 2008, at 13:13, comopasta Gr wrote:

1- Add model like this:

class Password < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :email, :on => :create

This means ‘run the validation when the object is created’. It has
absolutely nothing to do with the fact that this might happen from a
controller action called create (the model doesn’t care in the least
about this). Fundamentally though, you don’t validate forms, you
validate activerecord objects.



Then I either:

1- Create my own div with the error messages if the field is empty
2- Learn how to trigger one of those system errors that the validations

Any pointers for #2 are welcome.

But that explains a lot, thanks. I knew that not really creating any
records could be an issue but I thought that on :create was directly
related to the controller function. It doesn’t as you mentioned.
