I am using valid_referers to detect image hotlinking. Invalid referers
are forwarded to the homepage, however, I have since changed the address
for images from images.hollywoodgrind.com:9000 to
The last line contains the rewrite rule ‘rewrite ^
http://www.hollywoodgrind.com$request_uri? permanent;’, which would
forward traffic going to images.hollywoodgrind.com:9000 to it’s new
exact location at www.hollywoodgrind.com.
What I’d like is for invalid traffic to be forwarded to the home page
located at www.hollywoodgrind.com, but for valid traffic to be forwarded
to the new url location for the image.
I am not sure that the block of code below is working as I intend.
server {
listen 9000;
server_name images.hollywoodgrind.com;
location /images {
valid_referers blocked ~.google. ~.yahoo. ~.bing. ~.ask.
~.live. ~.googleusercontent.com. www.hollywoodgrind.com
hollywoodgrind.com images.google.com
google.com www.google.com yahoo.com my.yahoo.com
feedproxy.google.com/HollywoodGrind images.search.yahoo.com live.com
search.live.com ask.com images.ask.com
translate.googleusercontent.com googleusercontent.com bing.com;
if ($invalid_referer) {
rewrite ^(.*)$ http://www.hollywoodgrind.com/;
rewrite ^ http://www.hollywoodgrind.com$request_uri? permanent;