I installed localization_simplified plugin. The README said like this:
This plugin modifies the following most used helpers for Rails
- Sets UTF-8 content-type HTTP header
- Sets UTF-8 connection to database
- Localized monthnames on date_select etc. (changing the order of Y-M-D,
on date_select and datetime_select from 0.7) - Localized ActiveRecord errors (and error headings)
- Localized distance_of_time_in_words
- Localized to_currency (from 0.7 also changing the order of
unit/currency) - Simple pluralization also available in the lang-file
- Uses standard Rails methods. In this way, there is no tedious rewrite
localization_simplified plugin is in RAILS/vendor/plugins directory.
When I try to run the simple functional test which is like this:
class ThermoDetectorControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
@controller = ThermoDetectorController.new
@request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
@response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
Replace this with your real tests.
def test_new
get :list
assert_response :success
it fails, saying:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: current transaction is
aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
: SELECT * FROM thermo_detector_order_letters
When I move the localization_simplified plugin into another directory,
run the test, it works…
So any idea? Assumed this is unfixable, how do I dinamycly unload the
localization_simplified directory when running the functional testing?
Thank you.