UtahValley.rb meeting tonight

Last reminder, the UtahValley.rb is meeting tonight (Sep 26th) at
7PM in room 120 of the Talmage Math and Computer Science
Building on BYU’s campus (http://map.byu.edu for directions).

We’ll be doing some lightning talks, so please come with a topic
in mind. After several lightning talks, we’ll break into some
informal Ruby tutoring, so you’re also welcome to bring
questions and ideas. (Lightning talks are 5 minute presentations
on a single topic. We’ll ask for volunteers, write the proposed
topics on the board, and vote on the ones we want to hear –
should be a blast.)

We also have a couple of Ruby books to give away. O’Reilly
has been a very good sponsor for our group. :^)

Upcoming Events:
Oct 3rd & 17th: Ruby Hacking Nights (Room 2204 of the TMCB)
Oct 10th: BYU Ruby U. Group (Room 120 of the TMCB)
Oct 19th matz is speaking at a BYU CS Colloquium
Oct 24th UtahValley.rb (Room 120 of the TMCB)

For more info about matz’ talk, see:

Hacking nights and meetings all start at 7PM