Usuall authorization or via social network

Hello. I want my website to have 2 types of autorization - usuall
in with mail&password, or just with Facebook account.
But does it require two separate models, like UsuallUser and
Or it is possible to set up everything with just one model?
Also I wondering if there some gems I can use that support this kind of
authorization, or here I need to code all by myself?

On 26 March 2013 11:22, Barry [email protected] wrote:

Hello. I want my website to have 2 types of autorization - usuall logging in
with mail&password, or just with Facebook account.
But does it require two separate models, like UsuallUser and FacebookUser?
Or it is possible to set up everything with just one model?
Also I wondering if there some gems I can use that support this kind of
authorization, or here I need to code all by myself?

I believe the Devise gem will let you do that. I am surprised that
google did not find that for you.


Walter D. wrote in post #1103234:

On Mar 26, 2013, at 7:22 AM, Barry wrote:

Also I wondering if there some gems I can use that support this kind of
authorization, or here I need to code all by myself?

Omniauth will make the Facebook (ick) or Twitter, or Github, or anything
else pretty much, a once stop shop. There’s a couple of Railscasts about
it, and that’s where I would start.

If you have relatively basic authentication needs then Omiauth can do
both username/password and social networking authentication using the
identity provider:

While Devise is a nice comprehensive authentication system. Omniauth
seems to be a lighter weight solution that works in many situations.
It’s what I personally use.

Also be careful not to confuse authentication with authorization. These
are not the same thing. For authorization I’ve used Ryan B.'s
excellent CanCan, which has worked really well for me so far.

On Mar 26, 2013, at 7:22 AM, Barry wrote:

Hello. I want my website to have 2 types of autorization - usuall logging in
with mail&password, or just with Facebook account.
But does it require two separate models, like UsuallUser and FacebookUser? Or it
is possible to set up everything with just one model?

You only need a different model if you have a different set of
parameters or processes attached to that “real world” object represented
by that model. How they authenticate doesn’t change the inner nature. In
the end, you would still have a User, right?

Also I wondering if there some gems I can use that support this kind of
authorization, or here I need to code all by myself?

Omniauth will make the Facebook (ick) or Twitter, or Github, or anything
else pretty much, a once stop shop. There’s a couple of Railscasts about
it, and that’s where I would start.
