I have a new USRP2 (no firmware upgrades), trying to run usrp2_fft.py
with a decimation of 4. I can run higher decimation values (-d 8, -d
16) but -d 4 brings up the fft gui and shows no signal. Sometimes I get
an ‘S’ but not always.
My computer is a Dell Optiplex 960 3.0GHz with 4G RAM. I am running
Fedora Core 11. The on board GigE is Intel 82567LM-3.
I tried ethtool -A eth0 rx on with no luck.
I have see the chart:
and my next step is to get one of these cards and try it instead of my
on-board NIC. But does anyone have other ideas? How fast a computer
should be fast enough? If people could list their PC
configurations/requirements, that would be great.
Thanks, all.
Hello all,
If anyone has run usrp2_fft.py with a decimation of 4, please let me
know what your configuration is…CPU, OS, GigE card, and any tricks you
used to get it to work.
Thanks for any help.
Nina Burns wrote:
I have a new USRP2 (no firmware upgrades), trying to run usrp2_fft.py
with a decimation of 4. I can run higher decimation values (-d 8, -d
16) but -d 4 brings up the fft gui and shows no signal. Sometimes I get
an ‘S’ but not always.
My computer is a Dell Optiplex 960 3.0GHz with 4G RAM. I am running
Fedora Core 11. The on board GigE is Intel 82567LM-3.
I tried ethtool -A eth0 rx on with no luck.
I have seen the chart:
and my next step is to get one of these cards and try it instead of my
on-board NIC. But does anyone have other ideas? How fast a computer
should be fast enough? If people could list their PC
configurations/requirements, that would be great.
Thanks, all.