USRP2 Filtering/Decimation Question


When I specify a particular receiver decimation rate
for the USRP2, the task of decimating is presumably
split up between the CIC and two half-band filters.
My question is how is the task split up,
and where in the code does this happen?


Bruce McGuffin wrote:


When I specify a particular receiver decimation rate
for the USRP2, the task of decimating is presumably
split up between the CIC and two half-band filters.
My question is how is the task split up,
and where in the code does this happen?

If the requested decimation rate is a multiple of four, we use the two
halfband filters, and the rest is CIC. If it is only a multiple of two,
we use one halfband filter and the rest in CIC. If it is an odd number,
we use only CIC.


Matt E. wrote:

If the requested decimation rate is a multiple of four, we use the two
halfband filters, and the rest is CIC. If it is only a multiple of two,
we use one halfband filter and the rest in CIC. If it is an odd number,
we use only CIC.


When the decimation rate is divisible by 2 but not 4, which half-band
filter do you use?
And where in the code is this decision made?


On Fri, Sep 04, 2009 at 05:01:59PM -0400, Bruce McGuffin wrote:

And where in the code is this decision made?


Hi Bruce!

The decision is made in the firmware. See
usrp2/firmware/apps/app_common_v2.c line 247, in the function

The actual control register (dsp_rx_regs->decim_rate) is written on line
