USRP2 and USRP N200 broke after UHD?

I had my USRP2 running usrp2_fft fine for awhile although it was
crashing frequently in my ubuntu 10.04LTS VM. I then tried to get our
new N200 working which requires UHD so I used the build script at:

I think the rebuild went okay though not sure I should have run

sudo ./build-gnuradio

and I had to comment out the stuff about timestamp_timeout in the
sudoers file as I couldn’t figure out how to modify.

At any rate the build went to completion. If I run it seems
to be running and I can watch the UDP packets on wireshark except the
problem is all the data is zeros. The packets seem to be the correct
size and rate, just data is all zeros. When I close the gui I get:

UHD Error:
An unexpected exception was caught in a task loop.
The task loop will now exit, things may not work.
unknown exception

Also if I run uhd_usrp_probe I get:

linux; GNU C++ version 4.4.3; Boost_104000; UHD_003.002.000-117f6a3

– Opening a USRP2/N-Series device…
– Current recv frame size: 1472 bytes
– Current send frame size: 1472 bytes

UHD Error:
An unexpected exception was caught in a task loop.
The task loop will now exit, things may not work.
unknown exception
Error: TypeError: Cannot wax cast
N5boost10shared_ptrIN3uhd13property_treeEEE to
N5boost10shared_ptrIN3uhd13property_treeEEE boost::bad_any_cast:
failed conversion using boost::any_cast

Note that the USRP2 also is only sending out packets with data as zero.

I just built this today and I see there was new release yesterday so
maybe I shouldn’t be going from source. Maybe there’s apt-get that has
uhd for USRP N200? Otherwise, any help to resolve the uhd issue is
appreciated. Thanks

I just built this today and I see there was new release yesterday so
maybe I shouldn’t be going from source. Maybe there’s apt-get that has
uhd for USRP N200? Otherwise, any help to resolve the uhd issue is
appreciated. Thanks

Both of these errors are related to some bug in ubuntu 10.04. The
workarounds have been pushed, please grab the latest source.

Cast error: the compiler did something bad with the RTTI, the symbol in
the lib does not match the one in the executable

Unexpected exception: boost thread sleep throws something other than
interruption exception when interrupted

I wouldnt worry about seeing zero data, the device could not have been
streaming with those errors.
