I am looking for USRP/RFX2400 bloack diagrams, but it seems that the
at the link below are moved/deleted. If anybody has the diagrams
below, pls send them to me directly.
Lee P.
Tue, 29 Aug 2006 21:11:31 -0700
I’ve taken a shot at coming up with block diagrams for the USRP and
RFX2400. The diagram for the USRP is the result of information I’ve
gleaned from different messages in the list, data sheets, and block
diagrams created by other GNU Radio users (specifically, Achilleas
Anastasopoulos). The RFX2400 diagram was created from Matt’s drawings
and associated data sheets.
The diagrams can be found here:
Hopefully this will help clear up questions regarding how the I/Q
sampling happens. Please let me know if (when) you see something that
needs fixed.
Rohit Gupta wrote:
I am looking for USRP/RFX2400 bloack diagrams, but it seems that the
files at the link below are moved/deleted. If anybody has the diagrams
mentioned below, pls send them to me directly.
I believe you want to look in the usrp-hw repository:
See the “Getting the USRP and associated Schematics” section;
$ svn co http://gnuradio.org/svn/usrp-hw/trunk usrp-hw
Whoops. My server was down. Sorry, about that. Try the pattoncentral.org
link again. I also posted the drawings to
http://www.wright.edu/~patton.5/gnuradio/diagram/ . This server should
never be down.
On Sat, Feb 17, 2007 at 12:20:24PM -0500, Lee P. wrote:
Hi, Eric -
Did the USRP/RFX2400 diagrams I drew ever make it onto trac? I can’t
find them if they did. I have found some typos that need fixed.
Hi Lee,
You’re most excellent diagrams are now at
There’s a pointer to the source file at the end of the page.
Thanks for putting these together!
George and Thibaud, these diagrams ought to speed your understanding
of what’s going on in the FPGA and AD9862.