Hello all,
I want to set up a demonstrator system for wireless communication
between two USRP devices. Some weeks ago, Matthias W. proposed the
UCLA Zigbee implementation as a good starting point because of its
complete and robust code.
Now I reached the point that I want to buy two identical USRP devices
for testing. Which platform is suitable to handle Zigbee and which
platform will get the best support in the future?
I think the USRP1 is outdated and there is no ongoing software
development for this platform?
So, which one should I buy? N200 or E100 Series? Which Model?
Best regards,
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 6:08 AM, Martin Flasskamp
[email protected] wrote:
I think the USRP1 is outdated and there is no ongoing software
development for this platform?
That is not true. The USRP1 is supported by the UHD driver, which
serves as common code base for all USRP products. UHD development is
very active. FPGA specific development on the USRP1 has largely
ceased, which is a concern for certain use cases, though not for the
aforementioned ZigBee implementation.
So, which one should I buy? N200 or E100 Series? Which Model?
That depends on your specific objectives. What are your primary
concerns? Lowest price? Largest Bandwidth? Embedded form factor?
Am 04.11.2011 um 15:03 schrieb Thomas T. [email protected]:
So, which one should I buy? N200 or E100 Series? Which Model?
That depends on your specific objectives. What are your primary
concerns? Lowest price? Largest Bandwidth? Embedded form factor?
Our primary target is a ZigBee demonstrator but we will be able to run
more complex wireless standards later. An active community around the
used USRP hardware platform is important for us because we want to use
it as a reference to our own FPGA-Rapid-Prototyping system.