Mr. Marcus Mueller,
Thank you very much for suggestions. I have some more questions.
- I searched for the GNU Radio mailing-list archive and found a
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP1 4 Channel Subdev Issue
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 11:07:55 -0800 (PST)
Then it would be possible to organize a 4-ch RX with USRP-1. (Some
limitation is reported here, too.) But as you suggest, we can use only
real (one) input for each frequency. Also I need to prepare the
downward frequency conversion by our selves. Careful additional
hardware design is necessary. I know this is not easy.
Your suggestion of “2 x B210” is very interesting. A good thing is
that the frequency conversion is included in the board. But I want to
know how to run 2 USRP boards from one application program. Is there an
example? If possible I want to use GNU Radio Python code, but is this
possible? If not, do we need to control from C++? In my application
“phase coherency” across all inputs are necessary. “timing
synchronization” is not necessary. -
One more question. If 2) is possible, is it possible to run “2 x
USRP-1” from a single application on a single PC?
Mamoru Y. / RISH, Kyoto University
[email protected]
Phone +81-774-38-3814, Cell +81-90-5653-7555
On 2014/08/08 1:00, [email protected] wrote:> Message:
8 Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 09:41:38 +0200 From: Marcus M?ller