Using will_paginate


I have installed will_paginate gem for my application, but it is not
working properly. This is the code in clients_controller.rb:

def index
@clients = Client.paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 5

and the code in clients/index.html.erb:

<%= will_paginate @clients %>

The problem is I don’t see any client specification. The pagination is
working fine, there are 13 recorded clients in the database and it shows
3 pages total.

Just in case, I’m using rails 2.3.4 and will_paginate 2.3.11 (latest
version from github).

On Oct 22, 1:48 pm, Eduardo B. [email protected]

working fine, there are 13 recorded clients in the database and it shows
3 pages total.

All that snippet is supposed to do is display the pagination links -
you still need to iterate over @clients and render the html for each
