Using SnS - why use SnS file_system extension

I am using SnS to manage my css and js files and was wondering about the
benefits of using the
*If using the extension speeds up accessing the css and js files and
for better caching, why drop them to the file system?

This is my scenario as it is:
Project is managed in git, and the application (radiant-generated and
extension-generated) css and js files are under version control. The
files, like sifr-config and jquery js files are in sns. I did this to
frequently updated files (by the user) out of source control. That way I
don’t end up pulling old js of css files if I need to do a pull.

For other people building their apps and using git (or svn) how do you
manage your css and js files if not in a way similar to this?



On 6 Jan 2009, at 17:40, Nate T. wrote:

I am using SnS to manage my css and js files and was wondering about
benefits of using the


*If using the extension speeds up accessing the css and js files and
for better caching, why drop them to the file system?

If I understand correctly, the fastest way to serve your js and css
files is straight from public/javascripts and public/stylesheets. Your
webserver should serve these without even hitting the rails app (i.e.
Radiant). The SnS extension1 is supposed to serve js and css files
quicker than if you had created them as ‘pages’ in Radiant. Although
I’m not sure if there are benchmarks to support this. With SnS, you
can also package your text assets into a single js file and css file.
Making fewer HTTP requests is a very good thing for performance, so
this pro might outweigh the con of having to hit the rails app to
serve it.

If you use the sns_file_system extension, it will make no difference
at all to the performance of SnS. The only benefit is that you get to
edit your Javascripts and Stylesheets (as well as Pages, Snippets and
Layouts) from the comfort of your favourite text editor, rather than
having to do everything through the Radiant admin interface. This is
especially useful if you are building (or refactoring) a Radiant
website. Once the site has launched, you can forget that the
file_system extension is there, and enjoy the convenience of the web
interface for tweaks from anywhere in the www.

I hope that clears it up for you,
