If anybody here can help me about using RVM gemsets, then I have a
I want to use different versions of gems for every rails project. How
can I
do that? I know that we can use different gemsets for different versions
Ruby but I want to use separate gemset for every project.
If anybody here can help me about using RVM gemsets, then I have a question.
I want to use different versions of gems for every rails project. How can I
do that? I know that we can use different gemsets for different versions of
Ruby but I want to use separate gemset for every project.
Have you looked through the docs at [1]? In particular look at the
section on .rvmrc files [2], but worth reading through all the
Yes! you can use different gem set for each project that is what best of
After going to your app folder just type this command " rvm gemset
gemset_name "
to use that gemset you need to run this command " rvm use
rvm_version@gemset_name "
Now you can use your selected rvm version and also gem set just run the
bundle install to install gems required for your app.
Hi, @keerthi priya says correct.
* You have to create .rvmrc file in app structure. And keep below line in this file
rvm --create use “ruby-1.9.3-p125@your_app_name”
And you are done.
Best Regards
Fahim Babar Patel
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